Rutas Profesionales Coordinadas (CCP) – Código de Servicio 956
14 de junio de 2024
Trayectorias profesionales coordinadas (CCP)
Service Code 956
Published Date: April 22, 2024
Fecha de cierre: Por determinar (TBD) y/o hasta que se cubra la necesidad
The North Los Angeles County Regional Center (NLACRC) is releasing this Request for Vendorization (RFV) to seek qualified individuals/agencies to provide Coordinated Career Pathways (CCP) services to individuals within the NLACRC catchment area.
In October 2022, the State’s Budget Trailer Bill for developmental services, SB 188 (Chapter 49, Statutes of 2022) added Welfare and Institutions Code section 4870.2, requiring the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to establish an employment pilot program. The Department developed Coordinated Career Pathways (CCP) as a new employment service option. This service was developed in consultation with a variety of individuals, experts, state agencies, and groups representing the local communities served and focuses on Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE), postsecondary education, and career readiness for individuals exiting work activity programs or secondary education. The service is time-limited, person-centered, evidence based, and geared towards preparing individuals for careers. More information can be found within the published DDS directive here Trayectorias profesionales coordinadas
This service will be provided to adults diagnosed with a developmental disability, found eligible for regional center services. Additionally, participants will include those who are exiting or have recently exited work activity programs or other subminimum wage settings, or within two years of exiting secondary education to explore and achieve inclusive options including but not limited to paid internship, CIE, self-employment, microenterprises and post-secondary education.
Two new services are available through CCP, a Career Pathway Navigator (CPN) and a Customized Employment Specialist (CES). Both services are time-limited to 18 months but can be extended to a maximum of 24 months.
- Career Pathway Navigator (CPN) applies a person-centered approach to provide individualized and targeted supports to help individuals create and navigate their own career pathway to CIE in a way that incorporates the cultural background of the individual and their family.
- Customized Employment Specialist (CES) is a person-centered and multi-strategy approach for achieving CIE or self-employment. CES services may vary in intensity and duration depending on individualized needs. A Customized Employment Specialist (CES) provides 1:1 CES services to the individual and employer including discovery, job search planning, job development and negotiation, placement support, and post-employment support. The CES may supervise other employment staff who provide workplace supports (e.g., training, job coaching, assistive technology)
Applicants must show they meet the following minimum qualifications listed below:
- Career Pathway Navigator (CPN) Minimum qualifications for CPN include a Bachelors-level degree with 3 years’ experience in the field of developmental disabilities service systems or an Associates-level degree with 5 years’ experience. The CPN must have also completed:
- A course or training in person-centered thinking/planning, y
- A certificate from the Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators (ACRE) certificate with an emphasis on Customized Employment, or a certificate as a Customized Employment Support Professional (CESP) from the Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE).
Additionally, CPN service providers must be knowledgeable of the service delivery systems including the regional center, generic services for community integration and employment services and resources. The CPN must also show proficiency in the preferred languages of the individuals supported.
- Customized Employment Specialist (CES) Minimum qualifications for CES include a Associates-level degree (preferred) or a high school diploma (or equivalent). The CES must have also completed:
- A course or training in person-centered thinking/planning, y
- A certificate from the Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators (ACRE) certificate with an emphasis on Customized Employment, or a certificate as a Customized Employment Support Professional (CESP) from the Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE).
Additionally, service providers must be knowledgeable of the service delivery systems including the regional center, generic services for community integration and employment services and resources. The CES must also show proficiency in the preferred languages of the individuals supported.
The Department has established rates for CCP which can be found here Reimbursement Rates – CA Department of Developmental Services: CA Department of Developmental Services. NLACRC is able to reimburse CCP services at the following rates:
- Career Pathways Navigator (subcode- NAV): $90.47/hr.
- Customized Employment Specialist (subcode- CES): $65.51
These rates have been established for each regional center to account for geographic cost differences related to wages, travel, and nonresidential real estate. There is no start-up funding available for this vendorization. All CCP services will be delivered face to face, at a 1:1 provider to participant ratio.
Coordinated Career Pathways services are being requested to be provided in any and/or all three valleys located within the NLACRC catchment: San Fernando Valley, Antelope Valley and Santa Clarita Valley. In addition, services are being requested in at least 1-3 other languages, besides English, listed below. See Proposal Title page for details.
Lenguaje de señas americano (ASL)
árabe armenio Chino – cantonés Chino – Hakka Chino – mandarín Chino – Otros hebreo hindi |
Jemer coreano Persa (farsi) ruso Español o español criollo Tagalo vietnamita Otro |
Applicants responding to this RFV shall bear all costs associated with the development and submission of a proposal.
Both non-profit and proprietary organizations are eligible to apply. Applicants must disclose any potential conflicts of interest per Title 17 Section 54500. Please note that applicants in active status with NLACRC and other Regional Centers may be disqualified for any of the following: receipt of Correction Action Plan (CAP), Sanction or Immediate Danger findings, failure to disclose any history of deficiencies or confirmed reports of consumer abuse, previous failure to perform, or unwillingness to comply with Title 17 and NLACRC contractual obligations.
Los solicitantes que se postulen como socios deben tener pleno conocimiento del paquete de propuesta y deben demostrar compromiso con el proyecto durante la puesta en marcha y las operaciones en curso. Sin embargo, si el único propósito de un socio es brindar respaldo financiero al proyecto, el patrocinador financiero solo debe demostrar compromiso financiero. Si la función del socio es solo brindar apoyo técnico (por ejemplo, redactar la respuesta a la RFV), el solicitante que recibe dicho apoyo es responsable de todo el lenguaje incluido en la RFV y del diseño final del programa.
NLACRC reserves the right to request or negotiate changes in a proposal, to accept all or part of a proposal, or to reject any or all proposals. NLACRC reserves the right to withdraw this Request for Vendorization (RFV) and/or any item within the RFV at any time without notice. NLACRC reserves the right to disqualify any proposal which does not adhere to the RFV guidelines. This RFV does not commit the regional center to award any grant funds.
Coordinated Career Pathways (CCP) Request for Vendorization Calendar | |
April 22, 2024 | Fecha de lanzamiento de RFV |
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 1:00 p.m. (PDT) | CCP Info Session/Applicants Conference |
Wednesday, June 5, 2024 1:00 p.m. (PDT) | CCP Info Session/Applicants Conference |
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 1:00 p.m. (PDT) | CCP Info Session/Applicants Conference |
Wednesday August 7, 2024 1:00 p.m. (PDT) | CCP Info Session/Applicants Conference |
Por determinar (TBD)/hasta que se cubra la necesidad | Fecha límite para la presentación de RFV |
Por determinar (TBD)/hasta que se cubra la necesidad | Evaluación de propuestas por parte de Desarrollo de Recursos |
Por determinar (TBD)/hasta que se cubra la necesidad | Estado de la propuesta (Completa/Incompleta) enviado por correo electrónico a los solicitantes |
Sesión informativa/Conferencia de solicitantes
An informational meeting to answer questions about CCP as well as this RFV will be held on the following dates…
This meeting is not required for those who wish to apply. However, it is strongly recommended for applicants.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 1:00 p.m.
Unirse a la reunión de Zoom
Meeting ID: 859 2583 9773
Passcode: 393700
Wednesday, June 5, 2024, 1:00 p.m.
Unirse a la reunión de Zoom
Meeting ID: 844 5597 2602
Passcode: 605806
Wednesday, July 3, 2024, 1:00 p.m.
Unirse a la reunión de Zoom
Meeting ID: 823 3767 9457
Passcode: 357605
Wednesday, August 7, 2024, 1:00 p.m.
Unirse a la reunión de Zoom
Meeting ID: 898 1834 4559
Passcode: 536395
Cualquier consulta adicional sobre esta aplicación o solicitud de asistencia técnica debe dirigirse a Applicants are expected to prepare the documentation themselves or retain someone to provide such assistance. If an applicant chooses to retain assistance from another party, the applicant must be able to thoroughly address all sections of the proposal during the interview process and/or demonstrate that the party assisting with the application will have a continuing role in the ongoing operation of the program.
La siguiente información se proporciona para ayudar al solicitante a preparar su propuesta:
- Anexo A: Descripción del código de servicio del CCP
- Anexo B: Hoja informativa para proveedores de servicios de planes de carrera centrados en la persona
- Anexo C: Formulario de evaluación de necesidad de servicio y derivación del CCP
- Anexo D: Hoja informativa del CCP para posibles proveedores de servicios
- Anexo E: Hoja informativa del PCCh para personas y familias
El solicitante deberá presentar una copia electrónica en un Formato PDFSe descalificará a un solicitante que no siga las instrucciones, no complete los documentos, no entregue los documentos requeridos o no cumpla con el plazo de entrega. Todas las propuestas presentadas deben cumplir con los siguientes requisitos:
- Utilice el formato de tamaño estándar para que la propuesta se imprima en un papel estándar de 8 ½ x 11
- La propuesta deberá estar escrita utilizando una fuente estándar (12 puntos).
- Cada página debe estar numerada consecutivamente.
- La página de título de la propuesta debe ser la primera página de la propuesta.
- La propuesta deberá incluir una Tabla de Contenidos que corresponda a la propuesta.
- Todas las secciones de los Requisitos de contenido deben abordarse en la propuesta.
Los siguientes documentos deberán ser presentados por el solicitante:
- Anexo A: Página de título de la propuesta – Fill out the form provided
- Table of Contents – Please ensure all proposal content requirements are indicated
- Anexo B: Declaración de obligación – Fill out the form provided
- Anexo C: Statement of Equity and Diversity – Utilize the outline provided
- Experiencia, antecedentes y cualificaciones del solicitante
- Provide a 1 (one) page or less summary of the applicant’s qualifications which details education, certifications, licensure and experience necessary to provide CCP services. Include your experience providing services to persons with developmental Ensure you highlight your knowledgeable of the service delivery systems including the regional center and generic services for community integration and employment.
- Proporcionar una copia de las certificaciones y licencias requeridas para este servicio.
- Proporcione una copia de su currículum vitae con al menos dos (2) referencias con direcciones y números de teléfono, y una declaración que permita que las referencias puedan ser verificadas por NLACRC. Los solicitantes deben tener en cuenta que el comité de selección se comunicará con las referencias u otras fuentes para corroborar cualquier información proporcionada en el
- Attachment F: Program Design – Utilize the program design guidance
- Business Entity Documents – Provide Articles of Incorporation, Articles of Organization, EIN Letter, DBA, etc.
Todas las propuestas deben cumplir con las Pautas de redacción de propuestas y los requisitos de contenido adjuntos. El solicitante debe enviar la propuesta completa a No se aceptarán copias por fax ni copias físicas entregadas en el NLACRC. Las propuestas deben estar completas, escritas a máquina, ordenadas, numeradas y enviadas electrónicamente por correo electrónico. No se aceptarán propuestas después de la fecha límite.
Debido a las limitaciones de correo electrónico, debe enviar su propuesta en tres o más correos electrónicos. Asegúrese de etiquetar los correos electrónicos en función de la cantidad de correos electrónicos, por ejemplo, 1 de 3, 2 de 3, etc. Si su serie de correos electrónicos no genera un correo electrónico de respuesta final, los archivos eran demasiado grandes y no se recibieron.
Por determinar/hasta que se cubra la necesidad.